509 km "BBB" route for W and WSW winds
Ridgewell to Bungay, Broadway, Bury.
Navigational Information:
Leg From To Distance Track Mag
1 Ridgewell BUN Bungay 12Nm SSE Norwich 75 km 52 deg
2 BUN BRO Broadway 10km S of Bidford 227 km 262 deg
3 BRO BSE Bury St Edmunds 176 km 86 deg
4 BSE Ridgewell Airfield 25 km 210 deg
Three turnpoints are permitted for diamond distance. This is a flat triangle oriented East West with an extra turn at Bury to achieve the full distance. This is optimal for WSW and west winds as it benefits from Cloud streets and the first and last soaring leg are downwind, when the thermals are weak. The last leg from Bury is final glide. Time can be gained by arriving low at the into wind turnpoint BRO, rounding the turnpoint, then climbing while drifting downwind on track. Bidford is 10km to north. Also suitable for light winds.
Warnings: Beware of Birmingham controlled airspace north of Banbury, Edgehill, Bidford and Intense parachuting at Weston on the Green (south of Hinton on the Hedges which also has some parachuting)
Detailed turnpoint information based on Year 2001 list. (1997 AL4) Last update: 1 March 2001. All details correct as at 13 Jan 2015.
BUN 96 A
A143/B1332 Roundabout
1 NMl N of village
12 SSE Norwich 134
633.90 290.67
52 27.832N 001 26.509E
BRO 88 C
A44/B4632 East East of 2 T junctions where Stratford road leaves A44. P-L
11 NE Cheltenham
409.98 237.56
52 02.182N 001 51.356W
BSE 102 A
Rail Br/A14 Br where Ipswich line passes over A14, NE side of town. P-L
20 E Cambridge
585.82 265.16
52 15.195N 000 43.254E
A full list of BGA turning points can be downloaded via the British Gliding Association site: www.gliding.co.uk
On-route Navigational features and Gliding Clubs:
There are several gliding clubs in range of a high performance glider on this route: Rattlesden, Ridgewell, Gransden Lodge, (Upwood), Sackville Farm, Edgehill, Bidford etc.