Fees & Membership
Flying Costs
Please see our price list below for details about the pricing of services at Essex Gliding Club.
Launch Costs:
Winch launch: £8.00
Winch Launch (Junior rate*): £6.50
Aerotow 2000 ft: £30.00
£1 per extra 100 feet
Glider hire:
Single seat PW-5 or solo glider use of K13 or PW-6: £0.35 per minute
K13 or PW6 use with an instructor: £0.50 per minute
Essex Gliding Club welcomes new members no matter what experience level you have. If you are interested in becoming a member of our club please use the website contact page to speak with our membership secretary.
Membership Costs
Annual Subscription Rates:
Adult Full Flying Membership: £350.00
Junior (Under 21) Full Flying Membership: £100.00
Trailer parking: £160 per year for members, £250.00 for non-members
Tug Pilot Membership - For Tug Flying Only: £175.00
An Affordable Membership Scheme is available for those, who because of low income, are not able to afford our standard fees. See below.
To join our club as a member please fill out the contact form HERE and our membership secretary will get in touch with you.
Flying members joining after April 1st, full annual subscription first year, then part year pro-rata second year.
*At Essex Gliding Club we classify anyone under the age of 21 as a junior.