62 km Silver Distance for SW, West and Southerly winds
Ridgewell to Tibenham Gliding Club in Norfolk.
Navigational Information:
Leg From To Distance Track Mag
1 Ridgewell TIB Tibenham GC 62 km 43 deg
2 Tibenham Ridgewell GC 62 km 223 deg
Ideal for South Westerly winds. Also good for southerly and westerly winds provided you remember to correct for drift.
You can land at Tibenham, but if the soaring conditions and visibility are still good, you can go round the TP and fly back to Ridgewell.
Warnings: Beware of 1% rule if aerotow launching. launch height must be no more than 1600 feet. Beware of Old Buckenham parachute drop zone 5 km North west of Tibenham.
Detailed Turnpoint information based on Year 2001 list. Last update: All details are the same as at 13 Jan 2015 :
TIB 564 C##
Clubhouse Norfolk GC site. Clubhouse is E of airfield. P-L
12 SSW Norwich
614.90 289.09
52 27.449N 001 09.695E
NE end of grass airstrip
52 02.846N 000 33.533E
On-route Navigational features and Gliding Clubs:
Navigation is easy once you can see Bury St Edmunds or Stowmarket, because the railway lines from these towns join with one from Tibenham just north of Stowmarket. Follow the railway line that heads North East right past Tibenham. On the way are disused airfields such as Great Ashfield, Eye, Thorpe Abbots, Horham. Fly past these to get to Tibenham. Tibenham has 3 large tarmac runways with grass areas in between.
Rattlesden GC is available for landing, but is difficult to find. Put it in your GPS. Wattisham shows up much better. As at 13 Jan 2015, all the RAT TP details are the same.
RAT 453 C##
Control Tower NE of remaining runway at Rattlesden GC site.
12 NW Ipswich
596.72 256.28
52 10.184N 000 52.513E
Airiel photos of some of the Airfields and disused airfield on route to Tibenham.
Typically, the photos are taken by flying a glider across country between 2,500 and 4,500 feet on one of the tasks detailed on this site. No apology for the glider wing in the photos.
It's tricky aiming the camera through the clear vision panel!
Photo of Rattlesden Gliding Club SE of Bury St Edmunds
This was taken from a few miles away.
The Airfield is two thirds of the way up on the right hand side of photo.
The main tarmac runway runs left right across the photo.
Rattlesden can be hard to spot until you are much nearer.
Great Ashfield disused airfield, East of Bury St Edmunds, North of Rattlesden and Wattisham.
Eye Airfield (disused), 5 km south of Diss.
About 14 km south of Tibenham
Tibenham Airfield - Norfolk Gliding Club