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Workshop Booking

If you would like to use the EGC workshop to work on your private glider you must now book a slot which will be visible on the calendar on ZWEEF. For T&C's of use and information on how to book a slot please see below:


The EGC Container Workshop is available for EGC Members to use on a rental basis.

The following Terms and Conditions apply

N.B. These are draft Terms and Condition and subject to change in the light of experience.

  1. Booking the workshop - Please book on ZWEEF - LINK

  2. The minimum booking period will be one day; the maximum three weeks.

  3. Bookings may be extended beyond that for up to 7 days at a time, providing no other bookings have been requested the dates then required.

  4.  Extended bookings cannot be made until the last day of the booked rental.

  5.  EGC Gliders have priority use at all times but only override existing bookings where that is decided absolutely necessary by a Committee vote.

  6. Users are expected to use the workshop and its equipment with care and consideration. They must clear up at the end of their hire and put right any damage or mess.

  7. If e.g. painting or spraying is being undertaken the renter is expected to properly protect the area with adequate screening and floor coverings provided by them.

  8.  The Committee reserve the right to have damage, overspills etc. corrected by the hirer. 

  9. Renters are expected to allow free access to Members who need to obtain EGC tools and equipment from the workshop and should keep separate any of their own tools.

  10. If two or more members have small jobs to do there is really no reason why they cannot share the container. The Member who might need it the longest should book it.

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